
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Hometown Heidelberg - Germany

We only have about month left in Heidelberg before we have to move north, to the Wiesbaden-Mainz area. The United States Army is withdrawing its presence in Baden-Württemburg and consolidating its forces through out Europe. Heidelberg is on the list of bases set to close. 

One of my friends wanted one last visit to the Altstadt  before she moves back to the States this week, so we woke up early and visited downtown on a beautiful Saturday morning. 

I recently read that my travel guru, Rick Steves, said NOT to visit Heidelberg. He thinks it's touristy and not that great. Oh Rick, don't write us off yet. I took some pictures of some my favorite little spots in Heidelberg and maybe you can decide for yourself.

Heidelberg, Germany - summer

Heidelberg, Germany - summer

Heidelberg, Germany - summer

Heidelberg, Germany - summer

Heidelberg, Germany - summer

Heidelberg, Germany - summer

Heidelberg, Germany - summer

Heidelberg, Germany - summer

Heidelberg, Germany - summer

Heidelberg, Germany - summer

Heidelberg, Germany - summer

After wandering the side streets we came out in the square in front of the Heiliggeistkirche, or Church of the Holy Spirit, where vendors were setting up their booths for the day. It was turning out to be an absolutely beautiful day in Germany. My friend lamented about how sad she was to leave after calling Heidelberg her home for three years. I felt a little sad too. I have to move next month, and although I'm not leaving Germany, there is just something special, something magical, about Heidelberg. There isn't anywhere else like it.



What do you think? Do you think Heidelberg is worth a visit? Should we tell that Rick Steves to go stuff it?


  1. Heck yeah! We like lonely planet books.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi! I really like your blog! I've lived here in Germany, Vilseck to be exact, for 2 years now. We have yet to travel further than Neuschwanstein castle and Garmisch. I hope we travel more. It seems you're really taking advantage of your time here. Beautiful pictures.

    You can check out my blog and follow if you'd like. I'm getting back into it slowly but surely. :)

    1. You need to get out there girl! You are so close to The Czech Republic and Austria. Try day trips. Happy travels!

  4. Looks like a charming place to visit! Reminds of me why I enjoyed Germany so much when I went there.

    1. Charming is the perfect word to describe Heidelberg. Thanks for the read!

  5. it looks like such a beautiful german town!

  6. Beautiful! My favorites are the flowers in the windows!

  7. Yes, I think that Heidelberg is worth a visit. Maybe it's not one of the biggest cities so it wouldn't top the list, but it's one of the oldest university towns. I think a really neat time to visit is during Lange Nacht der Museen, when all the museums are open late and the city really comes alive. One of these days I'll get around to writing about the visit to that ;)

  8. So beautiful! My boyfriend is in the Air Force and he's stationed in Germany! I just visited him and we took a trip to Heidelberg! It's absolutely beautiful! I'm so jealous you call such an amazing city your home.
    -Brianna @

    My trip to germany:


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