
German Words

Here is a list of German words that are used in my blog. 

Altstadt - old town
Autobahn - highway
ß - Eszett - A German letter that can replace 'ss'
Berg - mountain
drei - three
Du bist... - informal 'you are...'
eins - one
Fußball - soccer
Hauptbahnhof - central train station
Hauptstrasse - main street
Heidel - blueberry
der Hund - the dog
Ich möchte... - I would like... 
Ich spreche kein Deutsch - I speak no German. 
Ja - yes
die Kinder - the children
Kirche - church 
Lärmschutz - noise protection 
Markt - market
Mauer - wall
Nein - no
Nummer - number
oder- or
Osterbaum - Easter tree
Polizei - police
Reserviet - reserved
Schloss - castle
Strasse - street
Tchüss - An informal good bye, like bye-bye, or ciao
Weinachtsmarkt - Christmas market
Wohnen - to reside 
zwei - two